- No part of this web site or external literature is meant to be a promise of services or products, and does not obligate us in any way
- We will work to provide free use any domain to anyone; however the Open Domain program may not be available in all areas, due to regional laws and regulations, or due to technical concerns.
- We may not be held liable for any damages for any reason, including networking or programmatic issues that may hinder the use of some domains.
- The domain should be used by a group most closely associated to the context of its name
- The domain must be actively marketed and significantly used with periodic content changes
- You can not just create a doorway portal or a link to another site with no actual content
- Only one domain may be used per group
- We would attribution with a link on all pages
- The link must be predominate and visible
- The link must be part of the original HTML document and not generated by client side script (JavaScript)
- All outbound links must be marked with the nofollow attribute. This does NOT include the link to OpenDomain.Org
- No Pop-ups
- No automatic re-direction to other sites
- No objectionable content
- No adult material
- No defamatory or hate comments
- No posting of copyrighted material without proper license or written permission
- Neither OpenDomain nor any person working for the project will be liable for any of those types of damages known as indirect, special, consequential, incidental, punitive or exemplary related to the use of the domain, to the maximum extent the law permits, no matter what legal theory it’s based on.
- If any term of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then this Agreement, including all of the remaining terms, will remain in full force and effect as if such invalid or unenforceable term had never been included.
- This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, USA
Your rights to use any domain end automatically if you breach these terms in any way.